English | Japanese

Grab 'n' Read - Reading Assistant for the blind/visually-impaired

Introduction and Download

Grab 'n' Read is a Reading Assistant software helping blind/visually-impaired people to read signboards, leaflets, product labels, etc., using OCR and speech synthesis. You can use this app on a Windows 10 PC/tablet or on a Windows Phone 8.1.

Keyboard and touch panel operations

The following operations are available. On Windows Phone, keyboard operations are not supported.

SPACE key, Grab button, 5 (numeric pad)
Grab the image, recognize the characters, and read aloud.

C, Camera OFF button, / (numeric pad)
Camera OFF

Ctrl, Pause/Resume button
Pause/resume speech.

Home, Read again button, 7 (numeric pad)
Read the text again from the beginning.

8 (numeric pad)
Pause speech.

9, 2 (numeric pad)
Resume speech.

Supported languages

The current version (v1.30) supports the following languages for character recognition and speech synthesis. We could add some more upon requests.

The app for Windows determines the language based on the voice chosen in the system setting. If you want to change the language or voice while using the app, please set the voice and its speed in the system setting, and then, re-select the language on the app. It will reload the voice.

The Windows Phone version determines the language based on the system's main language setting. You cannot change the language or voice while you are using the app.

The user interface messages are limited to English and Japanese so far. Volunteers (unpaid) are needed for the translation work.

(C) Hideaki Goto 2015
>> www.imglab.org