Last update: Jul 3, 2002
Designing Precise and Efficient Hough Transform for Straight Line Detection
The upper bounds of the sampling intervals in Hough Transform
There exists upper bounds for the sampling intervals
of the parameters in the Hough Transform.
To obtain precise Hough Transforms,
we must choose the appropriate sampling intervals for the parameters.
The details of the theoretical analysis can be found in the following
- H.Goto and H.Aso,``On the Efficient Sampling Interval of the Parameter
in Hough Transform,'' Trans. IEICE (D-II), Vol.J81-D-II, no.4, pp.697-705, 1998. (in Japanese)
- H.Goto and H.Aso,``The Efficient Sampling Interval of the Scanning
Parameter in Hough Transform,'' Systems and Computers in Japan,
Vol.29, No.11, pp.9-19, 1998, Scripta Technica, Inc. (in English)
Here is the summarized version available online.
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Designing Efficient Hough Transform
- H.Goto and H.Aso, ``Designing Efficient Hough Transform by Noise-level Shaping,''
IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, E83-D, No.2, pp.242-250, 2000. (in English)
- Abstract and Keywords
- PDF file is available at
IEICE's website. (Free until April 2000, or some more days.)
- If you need a hard/electronic copy of this paper, please send me an
(underline should be removed).
References related to these topics
- T.M. Van Veen and F.C.A. Groen, ``Discretization errors in the Hough
transform,'' Pattern Recognition, 14, pp.137-145(1981).
- I.D. Svalbe, ``Natural representations for straight line and the
Hough transform on discrete arrays,'' IEEE Trans. PAMI, PAMI-11, No.9,
- M. Morimoto, S. Akamatsu, Y. Suenaga,``A High-resolution
Hough Transform using Variable Filter,'' Proceedings of the 11th
ICPR (in Hague), pp.280-284, 1992.
- T. Wada, T. Fujii and T. Matsuyama, ``gamma-omega Hough Transform
--- Linearizing voting curves in an unbiased rho-theta parameter space ---,''
Trans. IEICE (D-II), Vol.J75-D-II, pp.21-30, 1989. (In Japanese)
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