Database / Datasets

Last update: Dec. 18, 2020

The following database / datasets have been developed at our laboratory and made open to the public for research purposes.

JPSC1400 - Japanese Scene Character Dataset

This is a Japanese scene character dataset consisting of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji scene character images taken in real scenes in and around Sendai, Japan.

Block-Based Ground Truth Dataset for Scene Text Detection

This dataset contains 4-class Ground Truth data for the natural scene images with text provided at . This dataset is intended to be used for evaluations of block-based text detection algorithms.

Block-Based Ground Truth Dataset for ICDAR2003 SceneTrialTrain Dataset

This dataset contains 4-class Ground Truth data of the natural scene images with text from the ICDAR 2003 Robust Reading Competition. The original image data can be found at . This dataset is intended to be used for evaluations of block-based text detection algorithms.

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